International support for Ukraine. Step #1 School for Ukrainian Children in Poland
It’s been seven years since we have been engaged in social activities in the western part of Poland, the region of the Ostrowska Castellany. Now there comes a time when in this region we want to implement long-term, educational help for the groups of refugees from Ukraine. The person to coordinate these actions is Elizabet Khmellier from Kherson, a city in the east of Ukraine. For the last few years she has been working actively in our association and currently she wishes to organise the assistance for the people seeking shelter and possibility to live a dignified life during the military operations lead by the Russian Federation.
Your support
Apart from one-off aid, there will be a need for a constant aid. We ask you especially for monthly support. It can be 10 PLN (about 2,3 Euro), maybe 20 PLN (about 4,5 Euro) or maybe 50 (about 11 Euro) or more. Alongside with the work of volunteers, we will be able to employ educators from Ukraine and other people who will support the development and health of our students. We will also be able to create new job opportunities for them and in the long-term will help us build civic organisations in Ukraine. We have concluded that the means of support will be payments on the assosiation’s bank account as well as in-kind donations (school supplies, sweets and meals) and the volunteers’ involvement.
The association’s bank account: PL28 2030 0045 1110 0000 0284 1410
BANK TRANSFER TITLE: „Support for Ukraine” or „Donations for Ukraine” or just „Ukraine”
If you want to stay in touch with us, you can add your e-mail address in your bank transfer. Also, you can send information about your transfer as well as your contact details on:
Exemplary needs are:
80 euro is the cost of one day of activities with the involvement of employees from Ukraine.
We are looking forward to hearing about your personal declarations which is voluntary and to be revised at any time. You could write: ‘Once a week, I’ll bring a pack of printing paper’. Only together we can create a real change for the better.
Our goals - how do you help?
1. School activities in Poland
The thing that we want to run as soon as possible, is a form of school activities for children and teenagers based on the ukrainian curriculum. We want to operate on the basis of our long term experience in the field of education. We have been running science workshops and a Free School for homeschooled students in Poland.
2. Employing adults
As the suport will start growing, we want to employ people in our association. They will be able to fullfill themselves and earn money to suport their new life in Poland. We will be sharing the stories of these people on our webpage so that everyone can follow their fate. Your suport will allow us to create job oportunities for them.
3. Rebuilding civil society
Over time, we want our currently started actions to bear fruit and create a programme of support for the Polish- Ukrainian cooperation with other countries of the European Union. When the time of peace comes, let us have the continuation of friendships that have been made, the support and implementation of social projects heping the growth of civil society in Ukraine. We might be able to fulfill our two years old plan, when we wanted to start a branch of our association in the city of Kherson as part of its citizens actions.
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Wsparli nas | нас підтримали | They supported us | Sie unterstützen uns
instytucje | установ | institutions | Institutionen
Fundacja „Inspekt”
Urząd Miasta i Gminy Pobiedziska
osoby | осіб | persons | Personen
Elizabet Khmellier, Kherson, Pobiedziska
Maciej Jędrzejczak, Kocanowo, Lednogóra
Michalina Olejnik, Cerekwica
Patrycja Zenker, Lednogóra
Alicja Dłużewicz, Pobiedziska
Iryna Stepaniuk, Pobiedziska
Andromeda Flisiak, Pobiedziska
Sylwia Mańkowska-Dawid
Sara Kęsicka, Pobiedziska
Agnieszka Koper-Loba
Dorota Jarosz, Lednogóra
Alicja Kanke-Jabłońska, Promienko
Arek Michalak, Poznań
Barbara, Gniezno
Sonia Paź-Dyderska, Gorzkie Pole
Marcin Dyderski, Gorzkie Pole
Weronika Kaniewska, Biskupice
Natalia, Kocanowo
Maria, Pobiedziska
Magda Helman, Gorzkie Pole
Joanna Czescik-Grajewska
Agnieszka, Poznań
Radosław, Palędzie
Jarosław, Gniezno
Ireneusz, Pobiedziska
Halszka, Poznań
Rita, Oja
Hanna, Ylivieska
Digimarkkinointi Donetti Oy
od 6 marca | з 6 березня | from March 6 | ab 6. März 2022
Free School for Ukraine
initiator and director of the emerging school
She comes from Kherson in Ukraine. In 2017, she graduated from school and began studies in Poland. She knows the specificity of Ukrainian schools very well. For three years she has been actively involved in the life of the „Kasztelania Ostrowska” Association and heads the design department at the „Inspekt” Foundation. She is fluent in four languages, including Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English. She graduated from the prestigious Faculty of Design at the School of Form in Poznań. For 14 years, he has been supporting and leading social initiatives, constantly expanding his experience. In her hometown of Kherson, she became involved in the life of the community, acting as student council’s leader at the school for two years. It was also fulfilled in the city’s student parliament. Since arriving in Poland, she has participated in activities for the benefit of the local and academic community. She participated in the Erasmus program, thanks to which she could spend one semester in Iceland. For three years he has been active in the Association as a group coordinator. She copes well with educational and workshop activities in which children and teenagers take part. She runs the Free School of Design and design-art workshops for children. It fulfills its plans in designing and actively participates in designing culture at the regional level.
The curriculum is in line with the curriculum of Ukrainian schools
The origin of the project coordinator is an important background for the operation of the appointed school. Completing a school in Ukraine will allow the construction of an appropriate curriculum, friendly to Ukrainian children and youth who will not have to face additional adaptation barriers. We want the curriculum to be friendly and interesting for them and allow them to use our resources and the potential of our residents to the maximum.
Classes in Ukrainian
Classes will be conducted by professional teachers from Poland. In order to overcome the language barrier, the content will be translated by people with appropriate, appropriately confirmed competences. Some of them will be conducted directly by people from Ukraine.
Free School as a non-systemic education through experience
The idea behind our vision of education is to educate children and youth in natural conditions, in which, thanks to a friendly atmosphere, openness and appropriate competences, we strengthen the potential of our pupils. Meetings are conducted by educators directly related to the field (a botanist conducts classes in biology, physicist – in physics). By maintaining small groups, it is possible to establish lasting bonds, deal with difficult emotions better and, above all, overcome barriers – both educational and linguistic. All these elements support building trust. We place particular emphasis on learning outside the walls of our centers – experience and observation are proven tools that we use in educational activities. We draw inspiration from what surrounds us – regional nature and culture.
A school close to our children
We know that we are similar to each other, but we also notice differences, including cultural ones. That is why it is especially important for us to support children and youth from Ukraine, enable them to make new friends, get to know the new area, its landscape and specificity. We want children from Ukraine to undergo the adaptation process in a safe way. It was divided into three stages:
1. Small work in groups with children from Ukraine. This stage will be conducted only with children who came here from Ukraine. At the beginning, there will be integration meetings, chemical and biological (introductory) workshops, art workshops, nature excursions and classes in Ukrainian literature, mathematics, etc. The school does not provide grades and no attendance tracking system. These meetings are adaptive and their aim is to integrate children on the spot so that they can function in the new reality and continue their education in our region.
2. We will organize meetings with Ukrainian children and young people who have been in Poland for years. This will allow you to build a safe space, and will also minimize the fear of living in another country. As part of these activities, workshops and excursions will also be organized.
3. Integration with children from Poland. At this stage, we will implement international integration and learn Polish from each other, and exchange cultural experience. Thanks to this, we care for on-site adaptation and intercultural support.
About us
The association ‘Ostrowska Castellany’ is a non-governmental organization which conducts activities around natural history and culture in the historic region of Ostrowska Castellany. The beginning of our association was in 2015. It is worth mentioning that it is a civic and independant non-governmental organization which focuses its actions on regional operations and provides a bridge for cooperation for people from various towns and villages and of different ages and skills too. We care about the development of a team of social activists for whom their environment and what is happening to their inhabitants, landscape and the heritage, is important. The association’s team consists of researchers, designers, educators, populizers of science, art lovers, active women and residents of Ostrowska Castellany.
Transparentność | Прозорість | Transparency | Transparenz
1. Siedziba
Centrum Edukacji Regionalnej
w Lednogórze
Lednogóra 15
62-261 Lednogóra
Centrum Edukacji Regionalnej
w Pobiedziskach
ul. K. Odnowiciela 12
62-010 Pobiedziska
Telefon +48 • 519 731 322
Telefon +48 • 519 731 344
2. Forma prawna
Stowarzyszenie „Kasztelania Ostrowska” jest organizacją pozarządową zarejestrowaną w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym od 2015 roku. Nr KRS 0000538400, NIP 779 242 75 09.
Przy Stowarzyszeniu działa Fundacja Laboratorium Sztuki i Dziedzictwa „Inspekt”. Jest ona jest organizacją pozarządową zarejestrowaną w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym od 2017 roku. Nr KRS 0000669393, NIP 7842504012.
Obie organizacje są niezależne od władz rządowych i samorządowych pod względem osób zarządzających, kapitału finansowego i rzeczowego oraz pod względem decyzyjności. Cenimy naszą niezależność.
3. Członkowie
Do stowarzyszenia należą obecnie tylko osoby fizyczne. W gronie członków są osoby związane z sektorem naukowo-badawczym, aktywizacją mieszkańców, osoby związane z regionem Kasztelanii Ostrowskiej, osoby aktywne na polu zaangażowania społecznego i budowania społeczeństwa obywatelskiego opartego na działaniach oddolnych i wiedzą specjalistyczną. Członkiem stowarzyszenia może zostać osoba niepełnoletnia oraz osoba spoza Polski – cenimy różnorodny zespół.
4. Efekty wsparcia
Informacje o zrealizowanym wsparciu z środków pochodzących z dotacji i darowizn będzie można zobaczyć:
1. Na niniejszej podstronie internetowej w aktualnościach. Zaprezentowane będą informacje o dotychczas wpłaconych środkach, imionach darczyńców, nazwach firm i instytucji wspierających oraz o przeznaczeniu środków na cele wskazane w ramach wsparcia.
2. W social mediach, w prowadzonym przez nas oficjalnym fanpejdżu stowarzyszenia i fundacji.
1. Штаб-квартира
Обласний освітній центр
в Ледногурі
Ледногора 15
62-261 Ледногура
Обласний освітній центр
у Победжіськах
вул. К. Одновічеля 12
62-010 Побієджіська
Номер телефону +48 • 519 731 322
Телефон +48 • 519 731 344
Електронна пошта
2. Правова форма
Асоціація «Каштеланія Островська» — громадська організація, зареєстрована в Національному судовому реєстрі з 2015 року. Номер KRS 0000538400, NIP 779 242 75 09.
При асоціації діє Лабораторія мистецтва та спадщини «Інспект». Це громадська організація, зареєстрована в Національному судовому реєстрі з 2017 року. Номер KRS 0000669393, номер NIP 7842504012.
Обидві організації є незалежними від органів центральної та місцевої влади у плані управління особами, фінансовим та фізичним капіталом, а також щодо прийняття рішень. Ми цінуємо нашу незалежність.
3. Члени організації
Наразі до об’єднання входять лише фізичні особи. Група членів включає людей, які мають відношення до науково-дослідницького сектору, активізації мешканців, людей, пов’язаних з регіоном Каштеланії Островської, людей, активних у сфері соціальної залучення та розбудови громадянського суспільства на основі діяльності низових і спеціальних знань. Членом асоціації може стати неповнолітній або непольський – ми цінуємо різноманітний колектив.
4. Ефекти підтримки
Інформацію про підтримку, здійснену за рахунок грантів та пожертв, можна буде отримати на:
1. На цьому сайті в новинах. Буде представлена інформація про сплачені кошти, імена донорів, назви компаній та допоміжних установ, а також виділення коштів на цілі, зазначені під підтримкою.
2. У соцмережах, на офіційній фан-сторінці асоціації та фонду, які ми ведемо.
1. Headquarters
Regional Education Center
in Lednogóra Village
Lednogóra 15
62-261 Lednogóra
Regional Education Center
in Pobiedziska Town
K. Odnowiciela Street 12
62-010 Pobiedziska
Telefon +48 • 519 731 322
Telefon +48 • 519 731 344
2. Legal form
The „Kasztelania Ostrowska” Association is a non-governmental organization registered in the National Court Register since 2015. KRS number 0000538400, NIP 779 242 75 09.
The „Inspekt” Laboratory of Art and Heritage Foundation operates at the Association. It is a non-governmental organization registered in the National Court Register since 2017. KRS number 0000669393, NIP number 7842504012.
Both organizations are independent of central and local government authorities in terms of managing persons, financial and physical capital, and in terms of decision-making. We value our independence.
3. Members of NGO
Currently, only natural persons belong to the association. The group of members includes people related to the science and research sector, activation of residents, people related to the region of Kasztelania Ostrowska, people active in the field of social involvement and building a civil society based on grassroots activities and specialist knowledge. An underage person and a person from outside Poland can become a member of the association – we value a diverse team.
4. Support results
Information on the support implemented from grants and donations will be available on:
1. On this website in the news. Information will be presented on the funds paid in so far, names of donors, names of companies and supporting institutions, and the allocation of funds for the purposes indicated under the support.
2. In social media, in the official fanpage of the association and foundation we run.
1. Standorte
„Kasztelania Ostrowska” Regionales Zentrum
in Lednogóra
Lednogóra 15
62-261 Lednogóra
„Kasztelania Ostrowska” Regionales Zentrum
in Pobiedziska
K. Odnowiciela Straße 12
62-010 Pobiedziska
Telefon +48 • 519 731 322
Telefon +48 • 519 731 344
2. Rechtsform
Der Verein „Kasztelania Ostrowska” ist eine Nichtregierungsorganisation, die seit 2015 im nationalen Gerichtsregister eingetragen ist. KRS-Nummer 0000538400, NIP 779 242 75 09.
Die Stiftung „Inspekt” (Labor für Kunst und Kulturerbe) ist bei dem Verein tätig. Sie ist eine Nichtregierungsorganisation, die seit 2017 im nationalen Gerichtsregister eingetragen ist. KRS-Nummer 0000669393, NIP 7842504012.
Beide Organisationen sind von staatlichen und lokalen Behörden unabhängig, was die Führungspersonen, das Finanz- und Sachkapital und die Entscheidungsfindung angeht. Wir schätzen unsere Unabhängigkeit.
3. Mitglieder
Derzeit gehören dem Verein nur natürliche Personen an. Zu den Mitgliedern gehören Personen, die sich mit Wissenschafts- und Forschungsbereich, der Aktivierung von Einwohnern beschäftigen, Personen, die mit der Region Kasztelania Ostrowska verbunden sind, Personen, die im Bereich des sozialen Engagements und des Aufbaus der Zivilgesellschaft auf der Grundlage von Basisaktivitäten und Fachwissen tätig sind. Ein Mitglied der Vereinigung kann sowohl ein Minderjähriger als auch eine Person aus dem Ausland sein – wir legen Wert auf ein vielfältiges Team.
4. Ergebnisse der Unterstützung
Es werden Informationen über die durchgeführte Unterstützung aus Zuschuss- und Spendenmitteln angezeigt:
1. Auf der Unterseite dieser Website in den Nachrichten. Es werden Informationen über die bisher gespendeten Mittel, die Namen der Spender, die Namen der Unternehmen und Institutionen, die das Projekt unterstützen, und die Zuweisung der Mittel für die in der Unterstützung angegebenen Zwecke vorgelegt.
2. In sozialen Medien, auf den offiziellen Fanseiten des Vereins und der Stiftung.